A correction in pencil, rather than a big fat red marker still gets the job done. No need for anyone to add all the bull (refraining my Texas language). I discovered the PBS when googling last year for information on bulbs, and became a member right away. The wiki was and is a wonderful source of information for a backyard gardener like me. I simply love it, and spend many hours on the wiki. I also signed on for the e-mail discussion list, thinking this would be an informative addition to the wiki. Instead, at least for me, is a discussion dominated by a small group of dedicated, knowledgeable and articulate individuals. However, the discussion list's most frequent contributors are not the typical plant enthusiast. I know it is difficult sometimes to see the other side, but please try looking. There are plenty of us out there who love to just grow, with quite impressive results. Just because our records are not carefully documented in a scientific manner, but rather shared personally or scribbled in an old spiral notebook, does not make them any less reliable information. Please allow me to share this information as I sincerely believe PBS's desire to increase membership is not being helped by the current e-mail discussion list. It would seem that sending the PBS seed exchange in it's own e-mail would greatly increase membership and/or sustain the current membership. I realize that many non-members receive the discussion list, and those non-members do see the seed exchange list. However, non-members could also receive the seed exchange list via e-mail, with the hope it might induce some to join the PBS. Respectfully, Gail Skaggs Zone 8a in the currently very dry Texas Hill Country