Ipheion uniflorum

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Wed, 25 Jan 2012 12:06:10 PST
Thank Alberto for clarifying this for us. So what about those two 
yellow Ipheion/Nothoscordums so many of us have grown. The Plant list 
is calling one of them Nothoscordum dialystemon and the other 
Nothoscordum sellowianum Kunth, Nothoscordum bivalve var. bivalve 
except as I mention on the wiki Ipheion sellowianum (Kunth) Traub is 
considered to be a synonym of Tristagma sellowianum (Kunth) Traub.

If I'm going to change these on the wiki once again I'd like to get 
the pictures of these plants with the names that most people agree 
are the correct names.

Mary Sue
>Yes, Tristagma is the previous name so now all Ipheions are Tristagmas.

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