What's blooming week of 16 January

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 17 Jan 2012 06:57:01 PST

I usually include in my signature wet mild winters with occasional 
frost and dry mild summers when I say what is blooming, but this time 
I just said California's north coast. I'm sorry. We are probably zone 
9, but the information about when it rains is just as important. We 
generally have no rain at all from some time in May or June until 
sometime in September, October or November. But we do have summer fog 
which provides some moisture to the leaves of shrubs and trees. We 
don't have hot summers and that matters as well. I move most of my 
bulb pots to the shade and don't water them in summer, but that might 
not work in a warmer climate.

Mary Sue

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