Frost here was about minus 18 C ( 0F) last winter and it killed all my Massonia under glass canopy. The winter before was very bad for them but they survived lows of about minus 15 C (5F). They can certainly withstand frost, as can Polyexena, various Lachanalia, and Ledebouria, at least if kept dryish; but they don't like it and the leaves are usually damaged. Sustained hard freezing below about minus 10C (14F) is very risky. Minimum temperatures here this winter are about minus 3 to minus 5 C so far. On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Kipp McMichael <>wrote: > > Greetings, > > My small, purple-mottled M. pustulata ...... Did I mention they are > frost-hardy too? > >