Fritillaria oranensis inquiry

Jane McGary
Sat, 14 Jan 2012 14:21:57 PST
Via the PBS website's contact page, I have received a request from a 
graduate student, Khadija Bouzid, in Algeria, requesting nformation 
about Fritillaria oranensis, a Moroccan (and perhaps Algerian) 
species formerly known as F. messanensis subsp. atlantica and as F. 
lusitanica subsp. oranensis. I grow this plant under the former 
synonym, but until I looked it up on the Kew index I didn't know it 
had achieved species status.

Can anyone help Ms. Bouzid more than I can? All I could do was refer 
her to the Fritillaria Group of AGS, whose website has no text on 
this species, only a photo.

If you have some useful information not present on the web, you can 
post it here and I'll forward it to her.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

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