Pacific Bulb Society New Year Seed Sale

Dell Sherk
Tue, 10 Jan 2012 03:37:25 PST
Greetings, Pacific Bulb Society member,

Extra seed from the Pacific Bulb Society Bulb and Seed Exchange (BX) is
available now for a reduced price. See the list below.

Seed that was harvested one year ago or less is priced at $1.25/pkt. Minimum
order: 5 pkts. All of the seed has been stored in cool, dry conditions to
preserve its viability. A small shipping and handling charge will be added
on each order. A bill will be included with your shipment.

If you are interested in obtaining some of this seed, please email me at  or mail your order to Dell Sherk, 6832 Phillips Mill Rd.,
New Hope, PA 18938, USA. Orders will be filled on a first come first served
basis, and some supplies are limited. You may order up to three packets of
any one variety. Please order by the numbers to the left of the species
list. Minimum order: 5 pkts.  Please be sure to include your mailing

     Many of you are subscribers to this pbs elist which is free, but are
not members of the Pacific Bulb Society which has a yearly membership
Society. If you are not a member, consider joining so that you can take
advantage of future offers such as this. Go to our website: ....

Best wishes,

Dell Sherk,  PBS BX
2012 New Year's Seed List

1	Albuca aff spiralis
2	Albuca juncifolia
3	Albuca navicula
4	Allium christophii
5	Arisaema cf consanguineum
6	Asphodeline liburnica
7	Babiana sp.
8	Babiana sp., mixed purple/blue
9	Brodiaea californica
10	Brodiaea coronaria
11	Brodiaea 'Queen Fabiola'
12	Calochortus  vestae, white
13	Camassia leichtlinii v. suksdorfi
14	Camassia quamash
15	Canna flaccida
16	Chasmanthe bicolor
17	Cyclamen coum, fancy leaf, pink
18	Cyclamen coum, silver leaf, mixed
19	Cyclamen coum, silver leaf, pink
20	Cyclamen hederifolium
21	Cyclamen hederifolium, arrowhead leaf, pink
22	Cyclamen hederifolium, arrowhead leaf, white
23	Cyclamen hederifolium, silver leaf, pink
24	Cyclamen hederifolium, silver leaf, white 
25	Cyclamen purpurascens
26	Dahlia coccinea var palmeri
27	Dahlia hyb single purple
28	Dierama pulcherrima
29	Dierama pulcherrima alba
30	Eucomis comosa 'Rosea'
31	Eucomis pole-evansii
32	Freesia laxa, red
33	Freesia viridis
34	Fritillaria affinis
35	Gladiolus communis
36	Gladiolus grandiflorus
37	Habranthus robustus
38	Habranthus 'Russell Manning' x robustus
39	Habranthus tubispathus
41	Hyacinthoides massartina
42	Iris magnifica ex 'Agalik'
43	Lachenalia alba
44	Lachenalia liliflora
45	Lachenalia pusilla
46	Lachenalia pustulata
47	Lachenalia viridiflora
48	Lapeirousia jacquinii
49	Lilium bolanderi
50	Lilium callosum
51	Lilium candidum
52	Lilium henryi
53	Lilium lanceifolium
55	Lilium martagon
56	Massonia pustulata
57	Moraea bellendeni
58	Moraea polyanthos
59	Moraea polystachya
60	Moraea villosa
61	Onixotis stricta (syn O. triquetra)
62	Ornithogalum fimbriomarginatum
63	Ornithogalum juncifolium
64	Ornithogalum magnum
65	Ornithogalum viridiflorum
67	Rhodophiala bifida, mixed shades
68	Romulea campanuloides, pink
69	Romulea citrina
70	Romulea ligustica
71	Salvia patens
72	Scilla peruviana
73	Solenomelus pedunculatus
74	Toxicoscordion fremontii
75	Tradescantia boliviana
76	Triteleia bridgesii
77	Triteleia laxa, dark purple
78	Tropaeolum pentaphyllum ssp megapetalum
79	Veratrum album 'Blackthorn'
80	Veratrum album 'Joyce Heywood'
81	Veratrum album 'Lorna's Green'
82	Veratrum californicum
83	Veratrum nigrum
84	xAmarygia, dark pink
85	xAmarygia, light pink
86	xAmarygia, white
87	Eucomis comosa 'Rubra'
88	Eucomis bicolor
89	Cyclamen graecum, mixed leaf forms
90	Iris versicolor
91	Zephyranthes drummondii
92	Haemanthus albiflos

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