Andrew, It's interesting you say a few months on some of the Lachenalia seeds. This gives me some hope for the 11 spp out of 38 that have not sprouted. They were planted on three occasions with about 45 days from the first to last sowing (started in November) Our weather in south Louisiana is anything but consistent and has been very warm this winter. I've had very few sprout during the warmer periods but hopefully the cold front coming this weekend will help. I imagine if I was able to sow everything in sept or Oct that all would be up by now. I have about 50 additional spp var.s and color forms that came in to late for this season. These at least will be sown in early fall. On a bright note I checked on the Lachenalia bulbs from various Bxs this fall and was happy to see buds forming on bachmanii, contaminata, mathewsii, mutabilis, pallida, and zeyheri. Looking forward to all of these! Tim Chapman On Jan 26, 2012, at 12:17 AM, "AW" <> wrote: > Randall, > > It may be that our respective climates make the difference. Even though you > have a greenhouse, perhaps your lower nighttime temperatures even inside the > house (provided it is not heated) drop to lower levels during the night than > they do here. > > I know people in the San Gabriel Valley in Los Angeles where Romuleas sprout > readily. Light frosts are not uncommon there in the late fall. That may not > happen in Monterey, it being close to the ocean, but nights in fall are > cooler than here. Possibly, the minimum temperature plays a bigger role than > the day to night variation, which many people and books tell us is the > controlling factor for many of these winter-growing South African seeds. > > Andrew > San Diego > > > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > >