I'm not sure when I last asked this, but I see that the Plant list and Kew now consider Ipheion uniflorum to be a synonym of Tristagma uniflorum. Ipheion is one of those generas that makes working on the wiki a challenge and makes gardeners who just want to have a name for their plants unhappy with taxonomists. Just look at this list of all the names of a plant that most of us know as Ipheion uniflorum has been known by: http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-290463/ Perhaps Alberto can tell us what they are calling it in Argentina and Uruguay these days. Should we be moving all the Ipheion photos to other wiki pages and just leaving synonyms? A number of people over the years have written about 'Jesse' on this list and they have all referred to it as a cultivar of uniflorum, but looking on the wiki the flower does look just like 'Rolf Fiedler'. Alberto, is there a species name for 'Rolf Fiedler' that people agree on yet? I'm glad to know about the origin of Jesse and after we learn more, we can change it on the wiki. That it is probably the same species as 'Rolf Fiedler' helps explain to me why it behaves the same for me in my garden. Neither one is reliable bloomer like the plants I grow known as Ipheion uniflorum. I've seen both bloom and the blue is very beautiful, but they rarely bloom for me. Mary Sue