Advice on moving a bulb collection

Randall P. Linke
Tue, 03 Jan 2012 15:59:06 PST
I've done this twice.  A lot depends on how you are moving and when the
storage will occur and under what conditions. How will you be moving them?

If you're coming from Hawaii, guessing by the e-mail address, there are
other restrictions, though not quite as onerous as the ones to send things

Check with the ag department for the state you are traveling to.  Through
shipments that are not opened will usually not be impacted if you are
crossing more than one state line.


> Dear fellow PBS members,
> I am about to move from one U.S. state to another with a very large bulb
> and
> plant collection.  Can I draw on someone's experience of doing this same
> feat?  I might add that the bulbs will be in storage for 4 to 6 weeks
> during
> the move.
> Best regards,
> Fred Thorne
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