According to "Daffodils in Florida" by Linda and Sara Van Beck (an amazing book) the problem could be "too much early heat, daffodil flowers collapse and buds die between 27.7C and 28.8C". The American Horticulture Society has developed a zonal map based on the number of heat days. "Colder winter microclimates do not enable more daffodils to perennialize if there is no commensurate lessening of hot spring weather". Sandra de Nijs, Orlando, Florida > We have a Mediterranean climate. With winter rainfall but > only about > 35 cm per year. Winter temperatures rarely go below > freezing and we > might have frost 5-8 times per year. Summer temperatures > usually do > not get above 30C. Using USDA climate zones I place us as > zone 9/10 > border. I grow lots of narcissus but have trouble keeping N. > > asturiensis, N. cyclamineus and N. poeticus. > Harold