Tim, I am referring primarily to self sown seed. However, collected seeds of mine also germinated early. The latter were not not dried off in the conventional way but were left on the flowerheads with a paper bag to prevent them from spreading. The respective pots were, of course, outside but placed in the shade while the bulbs were dormant. Unlike s. Louisiana, it's dry here for six months in summer but it is likely for there to be more humidity within those paper bags than in the more conventional way of collecting and storing the seed indoors. Also, but not surprising, germination rates were virtually 100% for my own seeds treated this way. Now, what I have not done is to take my own seed, store it indoors in the conventional little seed bags and sow the seed in September. Your comments about the storage conditions during the summer in your area may be more important. I agree. And, like yourself, the germination rate here with some BX seed (not Lachenalia, but I won't go into the details) were quite low. So, how much of the very long delays were due to seed storage as distinct from crossing the equator is uncertain. I am inclined to write, but cannot yet support the statement statistically, that the hemisphere crossing has led to the germination delay but has not reduced germination rate whereas with the BX seed it has been a germination rate issue. Andrew San Diego PS Sorry about my lack of text editing in my previous message. I had intended to write "but a great deal more" instead of "about a lot great deal more".