Hello all, Just wanted to take a second to introduce myself. My name is Chad Miller. I am an assistant professor at Kansas State University. My primary responsibility is teaching landscape plant identification, but I also have a small research appointment. I have long loved geophytes...I did my MS and PhD work on Achimenes and Oxalis regnellii, working with Drs. Bridgen and Miller, respectively. As I develop my research program here at Kansas State University, I am looking forward to continuing research on geophytes (so if anyone has something that they think would be interesting, I am always entertaining new research ideas--sorry for the plug). In general--just learning more about bulbs and starting some of my own collections as well. This seems like a fun and active group, and I hope to learn a whole lot from other bulb enthusiasts! Cheers Chad ----- Chad T. Miller, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Ornamental Horticulture Kansas State University Dept. Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources 2607 Throckmorton Plant Science Center Manhattan, KS 66506-5506 Phone: 785.532.1416 Cell: 607.351.0760 Fax: 785.532.6949 http://www.hfrr.ksu.edu/ ----- "The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited." --Plutarch