Amarcrinum verses the goats !

steven hart
Mon, 30 Jan 2012 15:32:43 PST
O Hans,  I do apologise to you with all of my heart...

I am so very sorry for giving you double barrels there... I have never
heard the abbreviation before & on my reply my spell check separated the A
automaticly....... Your abbreviation was originally not separated, & i just
thought you called me a faik, i thought it was a spelling error for fake....

Please except my apology, i have been under loads of stress & using PBS as
a big distraction this week, recently police may have found the body of a
girlfriend of mine who was abducted over 20 years ago & it has really put
me on a razors edge right now.....

I am so so very sorry & really appreciate your clearing up the
misunderstanding....Rather than just letting it go......

I didn't really believe you were educated by a Gopher  : )
Feeling pretty silly !
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 3:13 PM, Hans-Werner Hammen <>wrote:

> Obviously a misunderstanding. Afaik=Abbreviation for "As far as I know". I
> perceive and I admit that there occurred a "space" after the first letter,
> which should have effectuated this misunderstanding. I apologize!

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