New Planting Zones Maps for US

Wed, 25 Jan 2012 14:36:26 PST
Averaging versus cold events .... latitude still rules. Also continental versus coastal effects. 

In general  elevation, latitude and cold drainage into low locations will still contradict these averages. For example, our location in NW washington state we are still exposed to cold air drainage from the Frasier River Valley draining air from British Columbia, Canada, interior. Overall we are historically warmer but cold spells still take us into single digits F. in extreme cold winters. 

Also several years ago we took historical meteorological data and looked at the winter lows/ summer high temperatures in our coastal location, Bellingham versus Ellensburg an interior site with continental climate. Will about 80 years  of data in both places (about same latitude in Washington) the winter lows and summer highs had changed significantly in the interior but not noticeably  on the coast. 

Analysis by us non-meteorologists showed much warmer in winter and much hotter in summer only at Ellensburg. Now we have rain during winter and 100 degree + summer days are more frequent. Not so obvious in WW.

Bellingham, Washington

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