The yellow ones with large flowers are three Nothoscordum hirtellum, in the past known as Ipheion hirtellum, like a crocus on a tall stem. Nothoscordum felipponei, ex Ipheion sellowianum, a stemless crocus with six tepals Nothoscordum dialystemon, ex pheion dialystemon, a stemless crocus with eight tepals Also in cultivation is Nothoscordum osteni, and the minute Nothoscordum montevidense. The treatment by Thad Howard in "Bulbs for Warm Climates" is ridiculous. He saw half a dozen species and with that started to write a mini monograph. It is impossible to understand the genus Nothoscordum as they grow over a huge region of plains in South America thas has been used for agriculture for over a century. When you find a small colony it has no obvious relation to the others already known.