new member

Hans Huizing
Fri, 20 Jan 2012 04:00:24 PST

I am a new member.
My name is Hans Huizing, retired electrical- and software engineer, 67 
years of age, and I live in the Netherlands.

Since about 35 years I grow Lithops and Conophytum.
And about 5 years ago I started growing South African bulbs.
My main interest: Cyrtanthus, Massonia, Gladiolus, Moraea, Nerine. (and 
all other nice bulbous plants).

In February 2010, I joined a botanical tour in the East Cape Province 
with Cameron McMaster.
A great experience! To see all the beauties in situ!

I hope I can learn from you all and maybe I can also make little 

Kind regards,

Hans Huizing

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