What's blooming week of 16 January

Robin Hansen hansennursery@coosnet.com
Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:34:06 PST
I have snowdrops blooming, about a month later than normal, and my Cyclamen coum are just now starting to flower in the greenhouse - again about a month later than normal.  Then again, I have a crazy C. purpurascens which has been blooming since August.

Hansen Nursery
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jane McGary 
  To: Pacific Bulb Society 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 10:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [pbs] What's blooming week of 16 January

  This probably ought to be "What's not blooming this week." Early 
  January is usually snowdrop (Galanthus) time in the Pacific 
  Northwest, but at our NARGS chapter meeting last night several bulb 
  enthusoiasts reported that the snowdrops are barely breaking ground. 
  This I found a relief, since the same is true in my new garden, where 
  I'm still waiting to see if the plants that used to grow well in the 
  old garden will continue here.

  We thought that the unusually dry fall weather (part of the same 
  pattern Mary Sue Ittner reported on the northern California coast) 
  might have something to do with it, since few of us irrigate the 
  garden after September.

  I haven't been out to the old garden in more than a month (the house 
  and acres are still on the market, held down by a caretaking couple), 
  so I don't know what's happening there, but since today it's probably 
  under a foot of snow, I think I'll wait a week. Here in the banana 
  belt we had a couple of inches of snow last night but it's melting 
  fast this morning.

  In my bulb house Narcissus cantabricus and N. romieuxii forms are in 
  full bloom, along with a few little Colchicum species and the first 
  winter crocus, C. michelsonii (a beautiful flower). By this time, 
  though, I'd expect to see some more early bloomers, particularly Iris 
  stenophylla and perhaps some of the reticulata iris species, but 
  these have emerged just a centimeter or so above the gravel mulch. 
  The raised beds that have replaced the hundreds of clay pots are full 
  of incipient foliage and buds, though, and it will be interesting to 
  see how the bulbs have responded to their second growing season in freedom.

  Jane McGary
  Portland, Oregon, USA

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