Hello all, The report of Mary Sue puzzles me. The species flowering with now, normally flower here end of April. South of France 10 km form the méditerranean sea (comparable to northern California). We also had a very dry and mild winter, but still very little abnormal early flowering; At the moment we have: Dahlia imperialis (end), Iris unguicularis, Iris bicapitata (thanks Angelo), Crocus ancyrence, C.imperati, Nerine bowdenii (end), Kniphofia rooperi, Leucojum aestivum (2 months early) L.tingitatum, Narcissus tazetta (many forms), Narcissus cordobense, Moraea polystachya, Cyclamen pseudibericum, Galanthus elwesii, Anemone coronaria (white form) A. hortense (6 weeks early), Dipsaci serotinum, Freesia viridis (1 month early). But if the weather keeps going we will have for the second year running an early spring (3-4 weeks early), but nothing like Northern California. From what I understand from South African reports: dry winters lead to poor springflowering, which is the reason that I have heavily irrigated our gardens already twice this winter Kind greetings Lauw de Jager http://www.bulbargence.com/ -----Original Message----- In a dry winter such as you seem to be having this year on the north west coast, it seems that the dryness has been beneficial in some ways for you.