pbs] Galanthus for warm climates

Diane Whitehead voltaire@islandnet.com
Tue, 31 Jan 2012 14:36:05 PST
No G. fosteri.  Well, maybe.  I did buy some seeds and some  
germinated, but I've just been outside staring at the label, and there  
is no leaf showing yet.  There is a group of us here in Victoria who  
collect snowdrops, but I don't think any of the others have fosteri.

You can have a good idea of what people are growing by seeing what  
seeds are offered in the various seed exchanges.

NARGS (North American Rock Garden Society) usually has only one kind  
of Galanthus seed offered each year.  I just looked at three old  
seedlists.  One year it was G. elwesii, one year G. nivalis and the  
third year G. plicatus.

Fosteri hasn't  ever been offered in the Alpine Garden Society or  
Scottish Rock Garden Club seed exchanges.   (I think I'm safe in  
saying that without looking back through almost 40 years of seedlists.)

The snowdrops that are grown here in British Columbia are elwesii (the  
commonest), nivalis and woronowii.  They are sold in garden centres,  
though woronowii isn't sold very often.

Some of us who buy seeds from Europe will also have plicatus, ikariae  
and reginae-olgae.

Diane Whitehead
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
cool mediterranean climate
moderate dry summers, moderate rainy winters
68 cm rain (27 in)

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