Zephyranthes grandiflora

steven hart hartsentwine.australia@gmail.com
Mon, 30 Jan 2012 16:20:11 PST
You might all  find this interesting !   I thought i might add, Ina is
giving me some seed from her Seeding Grandifloras, mine never produce seed
so i am going to start the experiment to see if grown in the same
conditions as mine, side by side, whether or not hers will produce seed, in
my environment.  I think it will be a worthy experiment.....& hope to share
my results eventually.

Putting aside any thoughts about (sterile) for a moment, from my experience
it is quite common in many seeding or fruiting plants, that Good season =
Poor flowering or low seed crop under many circumstances. I have seen this
a thousand times over....

In some cases, for example with oranges refusing to fruit, the trunks can
be beaten to cause stress & further increase a crop of fruit.
( I don't recommend it though, because other problems can be introduced.
But i know it works)

Many other species of plants under sever stress will often fruit & seed
well as a last resort for survival of the species, where as very healthy
plants with active growth over a loner growing season will not fruit or
seed as well.
Obviously there is a varied degree of exceptions to the rule.

Esk Queensland Australia

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Erin Grace <plantnutga@gmail.com> wrote:

> or maybe they are just moody!

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