Ipheion uniflorum

Carlo A. Balistrieri carlobal@netzero.com
Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:06:56 PST
It might be useful for someone (Alberto?) to summarize all these  
discussions and posts with old names and their new counterparts in one  
all-encompassing email.

On Jan 26, 2012, at 7:22 PM, Alberto Castillo wrote:

> So far, all eight tepalled yellow crocuses Nothoscordums are  
> dialystemon.
> With six, Nothoscordum felipponei. Under Ipheion this species was  
> "Ipheion sellowianum".
> It is not impoosible that the six tepal species produce abnormal  
> eight tepalled flowers but so far it is an easy way to tell them  
> apart.
> The white 'Rolf Fiedler' must be distributed by its perpetrator. I  
> suspect it is slow offsetting and this is why it is not more  
> widespread. I make the formal proposal to all reading this that we  
> propagate 'Rolf Fiedler' from seed. With time more 'Jessie's will  
> come up and msot important we will be producing clean stock from seed.
> Tristagma and ipheion have the same basic features. a tube and six  
> tepals. The difference among the species in shape is by pressure  
> fromthe polliantors for eons. Who could say Babianas pygmaea,  
> ringens and spathacea belong to the the same genus? Even so, it is  
> so evident they do that no one could doubt it. Same with Gladioli  
> abbeviatus, watermeyeri and papilio. And many other examples.
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Carlo A. Balistrieri
Head of Horticulture
Royal Botanical Gardens
680 Plains Road West
Burlington, ON
Canada   L7T 4H4
(905) 527 1158 ext. 539
(905) 577 0375 (fax)

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