It looks like it is getting colder and we'll finally have some rain. Something is eating the leaves of some of my plants too. It could be the birds who are busy planting sunflower seeds, millet, and tanoak acorns in my pots and removing the tags, but yesterday and today we saw something scurry across the deck and I think it's the chipmunk who we thought had relocated this summer after we secured where it was living in the wood box. So here's what has been blooming in coastal northern California. Oxalis purpurea (all the leaves on the purple one in one pot are now gone, do you suppose purple leaves taste better than green), Oxalis obtusa, Oxalis versicolor, Oxalis luteola, Haemanthus deformis (a bit past its prime), Haemanthus paucifolius, Triteleia hycinthina (a short form with only a short dormancy and a long bloom), Calochortus uniflorus, Cyclamen coum, Cyclamen pseuibericum, Narcissus romieuxii var. zaianicus, Tropaeolum tricolor, Nothoscordum montevidensa, Gladiolus priorii, Canarina canariensis, Allium hyalinum, and most strangely of all in the greenhouse, xHippeastrelia, Kniphofia uvaria, Iris unguicularis, Orthrosanthus chimboracensis We were out hiking last week and we saw a lot of naturalized Narcissus, Iris douglasiana (none blooming in my garden yet), and Allium triquetrum (which we call Allium pestum), Oxalis pes-caprae and by the roadside we saw some kind of Chasmanthe in bloom as well. Having all these sunny days with warmer temperatures during the day has probably contributed to having some of these bloom earlier or longer. It looks also like Moraea tricolor might have bloomed and I missed it. I hope that it will bloom again. Mary Sue