Juno season 2012 (northern hemisphere)

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Sun, 29 Jan 2012 11:55:27 PST
Yes it has been kept frost free, partly as a matter of where there was
space, but also because I get such poor flowering on aucheri most years I
decided to give it a boost. I put its hybred (Sindpers) with it. I try to
put the different species  apart in order to minimise hybredisation in any
seed set. Some forms of aucheri are said to dislike very cold weather.

Iris unguicularis Walter Butt is flowering here, and "Alba", I dont think
Unguicularis loves very cold weather so zone 5 must challenge it!
Also here I histrio (just over), various forms of reticulata, hyrcana
(Talysh form is finished), It looks as if I will have to wait another year
for I danfordiae seedlings to flower, pamphylica seedlings are growing well.
Various Iris reticulata hybreds  including some of Alan McMurtries
sophiensis / danfordiae crosses are flowering.  There are various
reticulate Iris germinating and also quite a number of Juno species
including physocaulons, hippolyti, narbuti, caucassica, capnoides, persica,
galatica, aff aucheri, stenophylla,  and so on. My remaining fragment of
fosteriana, which I grew from seed, is growing strongly after nearly being
lost in the freeze thaw of the past two severe winters.

Other  exciting things include various Corydalis (popovii is in flower),
Gymnospernums and movement in the oncos, as well as good germination of
Colchicums and some rarer Tulips
Peter (UK)

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 7:22 PM, James Waddick <jwaddick@kc.rr.com> wrote:

> >First Juno iris Sindpers
>        Congrats. Looks like it is growing in a protected spot or
> Alpine House. I noticed this hybrid coming up in the ground here just
> today along with I aucheri. No bloom yet,
>        Also noticed buds on I. unguiculares. Next week may be in
> record high temp range and might see some flowers. This is overall
> very marginal, but looking like the second year to flower in a row.

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