What's germinating - January 25

Tim Chapman tim@gingerwoodnursery.com
Sat, 28 Jan 2012 19:37:04 PST
On the topic of what's germinating this week:  I had sown several Ledebouria spp on Jan 21 st.  My previous attempt a few years ago was not so hot.  I wasn't expecting anything yet but on the evening of the 26th there were no sprouts. 24 hours later 70% of the L sandersonii were up (70 of 100). I was surprised by this and hope the other species follow suit.   The age of the seed varies a good bit so it will be interesting to see.  It's the first time I planted everything at once and actually wrote the date down. (timelines just aren't my specialty).   I waited to sow these until my greenhouse's electrical sparking issues were resolved. But the seeds are under lights and on a heating mat set to 80F or so.  Ambient temp varies greatly. 

Tim Chapman

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