August in a Massachusetts garden (Mon, 22 Aug 2005 19:28:20 PDT)
July-August-September is when many of the rhizomatous alliums put on a
tremendous bounty of bloom. My garden is awash in allium bloom at the moment, a
drift of fragrant spheres in subtle shades of lavender, pink, mauve, white, to
rose-purple. This includes a number of species and innumerable hybrids. The
mammoth multicolor flowers of hardy Hibiscus (another obsession) coincides with
the masses of frothy allium bloom.
During hot sunny days, the buzz from the sheer number of pollen-intoxicated
bees and wasps is really something to behold; it is among my more treasured
garden associations. I'd like to share some photos, hastily snapped in the last
2 days.
Attracted to Allium blooms, and the incredibly sweet-smelling Clethra 'Ruby
Spice' which scents the entire yard, are some amazing wasps. There are several
unique types; they're large to 2" long or more. One variety is black, with
irridescent blue wings, and flies in flitting, jumpy movements. Another
variety is orange and black, equally large, flitting, and fascinating. Here are 2
photos showing an Allium senescens/nutans hybrid with a wasp:……
I've been selected hybrids of Allium senescens & nutans, from open pollinated
seed, with many other species contributing to the mix. From Allium nutans,
we get plants with very large spherical balls of bloom, and I'm selecting those
seedlings that have bigger and denser flower globes, as well as selecting for
foliage and plant habit. On the down side, most nutans hybrids tend to be
white or very pale, but they are impressive nonetheless. Here are a couple of
garden scenes showing some hybrids:……
An Allium nutans hybrid selected for it's stiffly upright habit and short
green foliage:…
An Allium hybrid with the largest globes so far (to 3" across) that are
extremely dense, growing large and erect. The plant has gray foliage. Drying
foliage tips is because this plant is growing in pure grit (not apparent as the
bed is covered with bark mulch). Has considerable hybridization potential:…
Lots more Allium blooms:……
Allium cernuum 'Oxy White', and pink seedlings from that selection, plus a
couple bloom heads on an Allium nutans hybrid nearby.…
Regarding hummers, we get daily visits from Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. They
visit my alliums, even though the flowers arre pale colors, but what they
really like are the blue and pink flowers on Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue Bird' and
'Aphrodite' respectively. A photo of my favorite hardy hibiscus, 'Blue Bird'.…
Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States "New England" USDA Zone 5
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