Ipomoea Hardiness Pt 2
Kenneth Hixson (Sat, 27 Aug 2005 23:26:47 PDT)
Barbara wrote:
I. leptophylla also grows in the dry high desert of northern New Mexico.
I finally got time and did a google search for images of I. pandurata,
and one of the pages that came up was by the USDA, giving range maps
of various Ipomoea, pandurata, leptophylla, and lots more I hadn't heard
of before. I. leptophylla is shown as extending to the canadian border,
don't know how hardy that translates to, but certainly very hardy.
There were also pictures of seed of several species of Ipomoea,
and I noticed the "halo" of hair mentioned by Jim M.
I did buy a packet of seed of I. leptophylla this spring, and got it
planted in early February, got about 6 seedlings, only two or three of which
are still alive. We had hot weather a few weeks ago, and the Ipomoea
were one of the things which started growing with the (80-90's F) heat
The search on I. pandurata mostly linked it with the word "weed"
or "weed control". I know nothing about hybridizing Ipomoea, but can't
help but wonder why it hasn't been hybridized with I. batatas, sweet
potatos, or some of the ornamental morning glories. Adding hardiness
would seem a worthwhile effort for either type.