Southwest plant photos
Shirley Meneice (Wed, 03 Aug 2005 23:30:28 PDT)

Jane, for the Salvia pictures try either Betsy Clebsch or Ginny Hunt.
If you need addresses for them, please contact me privately.
Shirley Meneice,

Jane McGary wrote:

I'm writing this non-bulb message because we have a number of people on the
forum who visit or live in the American Southwest. To illustrate an article
in the Rock Garden Quarterly by the noted seed-collector Sally Walker, I
need photos of any of the following plants. Please let me know if you would
like to contribute to this effort. Contributions will be duly acknowledged
with profound thanks and FREE BULBS.

Monarda menthaefolia
Monarda pectinata
Monardella odoratissima
Monardella arizonica
Monardella lanceolata
Monardella macrantha
Salvia lemmonii
Salvia apiana
Salvia munzii
Salvia sonomensis
Salvia clevelandii
Trichostema lanata
Trichostema parishii

Jane McGary
Editor, NARGS

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