Gethyum again (and other bulb-related comments wrt Chileand Argentina)
Alberto Castillo (Fri, 26 Aug 2005 13:31:19 PDT)
Hi Lee:
The Spanish word autoctono/autoctona is very common and very
widely used meaning native of a given place.
Sources for good Chilean seed
Jane McGary
John & Anita Watson (temporarily out of business)
the Archibalds
Osmani has seed of superb quality (translation: fresh!!!) and we can only
hope his selection becomes more comprehensive every year.
As for making a site for the bulbs of Argentina, there are numbers to be
described in such a huge country. In the meantime most populations have
become extinct during the past decade because of the soybean boom.
Consigue aquí las mejores y mas recientes ofertas de trabajo en América
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