Lilium pics on WIKI
John Longanecker (Tue, 02 Aug 2005 13:02:20 PDT)

I am having difficulty with posting photos on the WIKI-can't seem to get
past the pass word. I have yet to create any personal page.
Thanks for any hints.
John Longanecker
Sierra Foothills zone 7? Banana belt. 2240' temp extremes 25 F-105 F.

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<br><br><br>&gt;From: Mary Sue Ittner
&lt;;<br>&gt;Reply-To: Pacific Bulb Society
&lt;;<br>&gt;To: Pacific Bulb Society
&lt;;<br>&gt;Subject: [pbs] Lilium<br>&gt;Date: Sat,
25 Jun 2005 10:01:57 -0700<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Dear All,<br>&gt;<br>&gt;I've
added some new pictures to the Lilium wiki
Jim Waddick was talking about this edible Lilium from China I
<br>&gt;realized that it was the one that looked like it was going to bloom
<br>&gt;for the first time from 1999 Nargs seed. O.K. so I'm not very fast
<br>&gt;with Lilium seed. Now that John Grimshaw has told us how to grow
<br>&gt;them from seed:
I'll do better. Last fall I put Lilium davidii in the ground <br>&gt;which
is often what I do when I can't get something to bloom in a
<br>&gt;container. I feared my garden would be too dry for it in summer and
<br>&gt;this still may be true most years. But this year with the extra
<br>&gt;rainfall it is blooming.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;I also added pictures of
Lilium humboldtii (this one started from <br>&gt;seed fall 2000 from Wayne
Roderick seed via Cal Hort). I planted <br>&gt;some out in the ground last
fall and kept at least a couple in <br>&gt;containers. It has been blooming
this yearin the ground and in one <br>&gt;of the containers and besides the
flowers has interesting whorled <br>&gt;leaves. I was planning to add my
picture and now that we have had a <br>&gt;recent question about wild
populations of it, I can provide a <br>&gt;picture of it in cultivation for
those who are curious.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Finally a number of years ago (July
2003) we discussed Lilium <br>&gt;pitkinense and a plant I had obtained from
Diana as L. pardalinum <br>&gt;ssp. giganteum or Lilium pardalinum
'Giganteum' that Jane and Ken <br>&gt;Hixson told us was once called L.
harrisianum and may be a form of <br>&gt;L. pardalinum or a natural hybrid
between it and L. humboldtii. <br>&gt;Instead of filling your pot with
offsets like most L. pardalinum <br>&gt;this one has a rhizome that just
gets longer. Jane had advised me to <br>&gt;plant mine out. It would be too
big to be container grown and much <br>&gt;happier in the ground. Last fall
I finally did that and I put <br>&gt;pictures of it on the wiki that show
the results. My L. pitkinense <br>&gt;continues to grow slowly, but has
bloomed now for the third time and <br>&gt;this year there were three
flowers, each on their own stalk. This is <br>&gt;quite different from
'Giganteum' which this year actually had two <br>&gt;stalks with five
flowers each. This has been an unusual year so I <br>&gt;think it is too
early to predict how it will be in future years.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Mary
Sue<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Mary Sue Ittner<br>&gt;California's North
Coast<br>&gt;Wet mild winters with occasional frost<br>&gt;Dry mild