Companion Plants for Lycoris squamigera
J.E. Shields (Mon, 22 Aug 2005 08:13:45 PDT)

Hi all,

To me the logical companion plant to Lycoris squamigera is Hosta
plantaginea. They both bloom at about the same time, and the Hosta foliage
covers the bare stalks of the sqaumi scapes. The Lycoris foliage is up
before the Hostas'. Besides, both do well in partial shade; and the white
flowers of the Hosta look good with the pink of the Lycoris. I think you
could interplant Narcissus among a mixed bed of Lycoris and Hosta for early
spring color.

Others that come to mind: Ferns are starting to look ratty now, as are
many daylilies. The Lilium are mostly gone by now, at least the few common
varieties I have here are gone. The hardy Hymenocallis occidentalis always
seemed to me to be a candidate for the August garden, but mine bloom
erratically and not every year. Besides, they are very hard to find. Tony
Avent has them most years, but I did not notice them in Tony's latest
catalog. This Hymenocallis wants partial shade, but in dry areas it will
lose all its foliage by this time in summer. Mine get watered, so they
mostly keep their leaves through the summer.

Crinum variabile is pretty hardy here, but it needs full sun and blooms a
couple weeks earlier than the Lycoris. My plants of Crinum variabile
usually rebloom once or twice, perhaps because they get plenty of
water. Crinum foliage can got to looking a bit ratty by late summer, too.

Around here, the most common companion plants in my garden in August are
actually the weeds! The heat and bugs have been making the Great Outdoors
less attractive lately.

Jim Shields
in central Indiana (USA)

Jim Shields USDA Zone 5 Shields Gardens, Ltd.
P.O. Box 92 WWW:
Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA
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