Lycoris squamigera in bloom here in Maryland
Lee Poulsen (Sat, 06 Aug 2005 09:33:20 PDT)

I have L. sprengeri and L. radiata pumila × ×haywardii both in bloom
now. The second one looks somewhat similar to the first one except
that the petals are somewhat thinner, the pink is redder and there is
only a faint hint of blue on the tips of the petals. Jim W., could it
be another L. sprengeri that was mislabelled?

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USA, USDA Zone 10a

On Aug 6, 2005, at 7:48 AM, J.E. Shields wrote:

I don't have bloom size squamigera planted here, but I have one
scape each
showing on LL. sprengeri, chinensis, and longituba. More should be
up any day now.

At 10:27 AM 8/6/2005 -0400, Jim McK. wrote:

Lycoris squamigera is starting to bloom now here in zone 7 Maryland.