Lycoris again
Jim McKenney (Wed, 31 Aug 2005 06:45:44 PDT)
A friend sent me some Lycoris pictures this morning, and they made me
realize that I don't know Lycoris as well as I might. I Googled images to
try to match them up, and ran across a very interesting Lycoris site. Those
of you who are old hands at Lycoris probably already know this one, but
anyone starting fresh with the genus might want to take a look at:
I found this Japanese site fascinating.
One curiosity: Lycoris caldwellii is misspelled L. cardwellii. I've read
that Japanese does not distinguish between r and l, and this is apparently
an example of that!
Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where I'm feeling Lycoris