Kelly O'Neill (Tue, 16 Aug 2005 00:15:37 PDT)
... And pencil
is the best for writing on metal or plastic. I have used
lead and 14
different types of marker. Sharpies are pretty lasting but
fade. Best Alberto
Pencil does last well. My long lasting favorite for hand
use is the Listo brand wax markers. A bit coarse for much
detail, though. And Listo's red wax did not last.
What I usually use is a laser printer on clear Avery brand
address labels. The laser melts the text into the plastic of
the clear label. The tag production process is a bit
expensive and time consuming. Once they are in the data
base (MS Access), however, it is easy to make copies
(with much detail). I stick them on pot labels, though, they
would stick well to clean mini blind slats. They last really
well and last even better when buried. KellyO
Kelly O'Neill Wet Rock Gardens Flower Farm
U-Pick and more at the farm (open 9 to 6, Sun, Wed and Fri -
from March thru Halloween):
2877 N 19th Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
To contact us: * Business Office for mail or by
appointment only: * 1950 Yolanda AVE * Springfield, Oregon 97477
(541) 746-4444 *