Dear all: As we all know Spanish invaders were not notoriously dedicated to the natural sciences. They were pretty satisfied with giving a name to so many new animals of all kinds they found in America (of course all of these animals were unknown to them). Thus, they called rheas ostriches, tinamous partridges and besides many others, they named the powerful feline found from Mexico to Argentina, "tiger", because it had a few features in common with the tiger they knew or heard of. That was enough for them! Of course, a tiger is striped, lives in Asia, etc., etc. The name jaguar is South American and the aztecs and other Mexicans did not give that name to the jaguar. It had little importance if the spots were stripes, rings or donuts, to the Spanish it was a tiger and Tigridia the plant was. As for cochinilla, it may with good probability refer to the fact that scale insects are fat and plump, for cochinilla sounds more derived from "piglet". Cacomite sounds strange and "little Mexican" because it is a Spanish form of the original cacmiTL. This really sounds nahuatl. Tigridia pavonia was widely used as food roasted in the embers. It seems many tigridioids are edible (as crocuses are) and Herbertia lahue is much exploited in its native Chile for the same purpose and use and is becoming very rare. Best Alberto _________________________________________________________________ MSN Amor: busca tu ½ naranja