Off Topic: Cochineal
Alberto Castillo (Sun, 14 Aug 2005 09:36:10 PDT)

Too much information? If so, please forgive me.

Not for me! I've found this to be one of the most entertaining threads in
quite some time. It's (very nearly) combining two favorite things: irises
+ aztecs.

As for Herbertia lahue being native to Chile... I thought that it was
native to Texas! Is this a different species, or one that is actually
Pan-American ?

Dennis in Cincinnati

Dear Dennis:
It is generally accepted that in Texas it was introduced
(how and when.....?). The original H. lahue is the Chilean one and others
describd as ssp. of it are actually different species.
Aztecs are fascinating to me too, I have read all the original old writers
in Spanish.

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