>Evidently the modern Mexican name, El Cacomite, is little changed from the >Nahuatl name. I've read that the Nahuatl name refers to the ocelot, not the >jaguar. Hmmm... there aren't enough "X"es and "TL"s in "cacomite" for me to belive you. LOL. Just kidding, of course. :-) I love Tigridias, and I've had good success with T. pavonia here in Cincinnati. It encouraged me to try Rigidella orthantha (now a Tigridia, I think) but its behavior is totally unlike that of T. pavonia. It was dormant all year last year, and then started to green up right as October/November came around. It's still dormant this year so I have no idea if it's alive or dead. I'm considering building a miniature greenhouse around it to try to keep it alive long enough to bloom. Oh the lengths we'll go to, to see our babies thrive. LOL! Dennis in Cincinnati