Tigridia pavonia
Dennis Kramb (Fri, 12 Aug 2005 08:37:06 PDT)
Evidently the modern Mexican name, El Cacomite, is little changed from the
Nahuatl name. I've read that the Nahuatl name refers to the ocelot, not the
Hmmm... there aren't enough "X"es and "TL"s in "cacomite" for me to belive
you. LOL. Just kidding, of course. :-)
I love Tigridias, and I've had good success with T. pavonia here in
Cincinnati. It encouraged me to try Rigidella orthantha (now a Tigridia, I
think) but its behavior is totally unlike that of T. pavonia. It was
dormant all year last year, and then started to green up right as
October/November came around. It's still dormant this year so I have no
idea if it's alive or dead.
I'm considering building a miniature greenhouse around it to try to keep it
alive long enough to bloom. Oh the lengths we'll go to, to see our babies
thrive. LOL!
Dennis in Cincinnati