Pokeweed 'Silberstein'
hornig@usadatanet.net (Mon, 15 Aug 2005 13:21:38 PDT)
How long can we go on with this topic before someone reminds us that this
list is about bulbs?....
But I will risk one question: does anyone know whether Phytolacca 'Melody'
is identical to 'Silberstein'? I've grown 'Silberstein' for years (and
yes, virtually all of the seedlings are variegated, but I usually edit out
the extremes from both ends (too white and too green); also, it self-sows
just fine here, but the seedlings are easy to spot and remove when small);
last year I was given seed of 'Melody', and so far they look identical to
me. The horrid thought has crossed my mind that someone thought
'Silberstein' didn't sound as "saleable" as 'Melody'. Anyone know?
As it happens, 'Silberstein' will be the cover girl for our next catalog.
I think it's a fantastic plant.
Ellen Hornig
Seneca Hill Perennials
Original Message:
From: James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 13:18:04 -0500
To: pbs@lists.ibiblio.org
Subject: [pbs] Pokeweed 'Silberstein'
Also, does anyone know to what extent the rather startling variegated
form, 'Silberstein', comes true from seed? A few weeks ago I found
another variegated form, with cream sectorial variegation, rather
than the speckling of 'Silberstein'. It remains to be seen if its
proves stable...
Dear Graham;
Welcome to the list.
'Silberstein' generally comes true, but some selection is
needed for best variegation. Oddly it hasn't self sown here, where
typical Poke is a serious weed.
I've never had a reaction from handling 'Silberstein'.
I've noticed that if seedlings are started in spring, a good
percentage of them winter kill the first winter, but if they survive
they are fairly permanent.
The amazing foliage makes it a very garden worthy plant.
Best Jim W.
ps RE: Cream sectorial variegation. I hear second handedly that
cuttings of variegated Poke root easily, but almost never produce
viable buds and survive winters. Serious propagation by seed only, so
this new form may be a passing fancy -literally.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph. 816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
Summer 100F +
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