Adam Fikso (Fri, 26 Aug 2005 16:58:03 PDT)

I have H. eucharidifolia open at the moment with its total of four buds all
open at once. Extremely fragrant. and noticeable from 5 feet away. I have
not yet been able to identify the fragrance as being similar to much of
anything else, except maybe one of the Stanhopeas.

None of my other hymenocallises had all buds open at once, usually one at
a time, in sequence,so that while one was fading and dying, another was
taking its place-- does anyone know if this is unusual? This specimen is
pot-grown from a bulb I got from Guy Wrinkle. I don't know if the bulb is
maximum size.

Last year, I had an unidentified Hymenocallis grown outdoors with 11
buds-- all of which opened in sequence with no more than 2 open at any one
time. I have not seen any comment in the literature about the sequence of
opening nor much about number of flowers , which could be a somewhat
reliable and stable taxonomic feature for the field not derivable from
herbarium specimens. Comment?