Turning S African bulbs around
hornig@usadatanet.net (Fri, 05 Aug 2005 14:05:28 PDT)

Thanks to everyone for their input on this question, both on and off the
list. I'm not sure that the *specific* question has been answered -which
was whether, since the bulbs were received more or less in mid-dormancy
(South Africa) and mid-growing-season (here), it was better to push them
ahead or hold them back - but the common-sense consensus seems to be that
they should be potted up, kept somewhat moist and allowed to do as they
please. And so they shall.

Seneca Hill Perennials
Oswego NY USA

Original Message:
From: Bob Rutemoeller brutem@mcn.org
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 12:24:40 -0700
To: pbs@lists.ibiblio.org
Subject: [pbs] Turning S African bulbs around

Dear PBS friends,

Ellen's question can also be answered from the Wiki pages that have TOW
(Topic of the Week) summaries of past discussions.

Mary Sue has provided TOW pages at:

There are also links for TOW 2003 and TOW 2004 on that page.

You can also use Google to search PBS archives for possible answers.
For example searching PBS archives for "changing hemispheres" gets you to:

This is not quite the same, but may also be useful:
Bulbs that can be converted to another cycle- TOW at:

Bob Rutemoeller

pbs mailing list

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