August in an Indiana Garden
Lola L Horwitz (Sun, 21 Aug 2005 16:27:21 PDT)

Hi All: J.E. Shields' description of the many blooms in his Indiana
garden has prompted me to introduce myself, recently joined through
friendship with Arnold Trachtenberg.
I'm chairpersonof the Manhattan Chapter of NARGS (North American
Rock Garden Society) and have mostly focused on alpines and small plants,
but owning a small alpine house attached to a Brooklyn brownstone, I have
greatly increased my collection of bulbs in recent years. Arisaemas,
Arums, Trilliums, Eranthis, species tulips, Scadoxus, Gloriosa, and
Allium are some of the genera that I grow and try to squeeze into my
backyard, but am lucky enough to have a larger garden 2 hours upstate
that begs for more of my attention. In any case, all the messages that I
have ready in my mere 1 week's membership of pbs indicate that I have
much to learn.
I extend my invitation to all of you to attend the Eastern Winter
Study Weekend that will be hosted by the Manhattan Chapter from Jan. 27th
to Jan. 29th '06. Amongst many reasons to attend is the fact that pbs
member John Lonsdale will be speaking on "Frits, Junos and Daphnes". The
linked website will up up shortly at . Best, Lola Horwitz