Historical date for Habranthus,Tulbagia
John Bryan (Mon, 22 Aug 2005 15:08:15 PDT)

To the best of my knowledge Habranthus robustus was introduced in 1828
other species, H.brachyandrus in 1890, H. concolor in 1837, H.
gracilfolius in 1821, H. tubispathus in 1829, H. versicolor in 1821.
Tulbaghia violacea in 1838. T. capensis in 1774, T. natalensis in 1891
Cheers, John E. Bryan

Cynthia Mueller wrote:

Is there a scholar among us who might know the date of introduction of Habranthus robustus, and the various Tulbagias?

A garden historian is searching for dates of introduction into American horticulture for the two above bulbs, as well as the humble Setcreasea pallida, sometimes known as 'Purple Wandering Jew.'

Cynthia W. Mueller
College Station, TX

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