Ipomoea Hardiness
Barbara Weintraub (Sat, 27 Aug 2005 18:00:14 PDT)
Hi Ken,
I. leptophylla also grows in the dry high desert of northern New Mexico.
It's a beauty but difficult to germinate. I know of a population that is
hardy to at least zone 5. Haven't been out there this year so don't know if
there's seed. Anyone wanna pay for my gas to go look? ;-)
On the other hand, Agua Fria Nursery here in Santa Fe had some seedlings
out on the tables early this year. They don't usually do mail order, but
you might call, ask for Mark Pennington (the son) and plead. If you cover
plant and shipping costs, I'll check stock and send you whatever they have
- Barbara
Ken wrote:
Another hardy Ipomoea is I. leptophylla, written about by
Claude Barr in Jewels of the Plains. I finally bought seeds
this spring, but so far they aren't growing very much. There are a couple
small seedlings in gallon cans, which might be part of the problem--my
understanding is that this plant likes to establish a large and deep storage
root (tuber?) before it makes much top growth.
Leaf and Stone
Barbara Weintraub
Santa Fe, New Mexico
nominally USDA zone 5b/6a