Lycoris propagation
Lauw de Jager (Wed, 10 Aug 2005 03:25:24 PDT)

Dear Jim,
With Sternbergias I found the best period to be the end of June - early
July. I think that it will be the same for Amaryllis belladonna and Nerine.b
5i just had a look at it : about 3 bulblet par quater bulb.
Generally I find twin scaling too risky as the basal plate becomes very
small and can dry out easily. I use vermiculite as filling material. At the
moment I have small experiment going with a beautiful form of Amarine.
Many thanks for letting share this interesting info.


le 9/08/05 22:34, James Waddick à a écrit :

There are still questions such as when is the best time of
the year to cut bulbs?

Lauw de Jager
Mas d'Argence
30300 Fourques France
tel 31(0)466 016 519 fax 0466 011 245