Gethyum atropurpurem
IAN HUNT (Fri, 26 Aug 2005 13:24:38 PDT)

I would agree with Diana Chapman and describe Gethyum as 'interesting' rather than beautiful! I have been growing Gethyum for three years. It is easy to grow so long as you keep it very dry during dormancy and water well when it is in growth. It increases well for me from offsets and is also very easy to raise from seed. The only problem I have with Gethyum is the smell when it is in flower. You can almost taste it! I don't know of anyone who sells bulbs but Jim and Jenny Archibald did offer seed last year.
It differs from Solaria by producing more than one leaf (Solaria only produces one). Solaria miersioides is, I think, the only Solaria known in cultivation.
It is definitely worth tracking down, as are the other gillesioides. Miersia chilensis should be fairly easy to find and Gilliesia graminea is very interesting if you can find it.
Ian Hunt.
NCCPG National Collection holder - South American Alliaceae.