Dahlia monoculture fix?
Kelly O'Neill (Mon, 22 Aug 2005 05:42:15 PDT)

Maybe winter growing early blooming annuals (started in pots in about
August) (for example, Pansies, Cerinthe major purpurescens, tidy tips?,
Chinese Houses?, ...) . I'd guess much early blooming summer dormant
stuff (for example, Crocus, dwarf Iris, early Daffodils, many Tulips, some
Primulas,...). can be dug at the time you plant the Dahlias (given a
dormancy for the summer) and planted again when the Dahlias are dug.
Some stuff that looks good in winter (even if it does not bloom) is tough
enough to dig and hold in pots for the summer (examples, Ajuga,
Cyclamen hed., ferns,...) Also, early primula hybrids might be cheap
enough to be a cover crop you can till under. Gotta Go, KellyO

Kelly O'Neill Wet Rock Gardens Flower Farm
U-Pick and more at the farm (open 9 to 6, Sun, Wed and Fri -
from March thru Halloween):
2877 N 19th Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
To contact us: * Business Office for mail or by appointment only:
gardens@wetrock.com * 1950 Yolanda AVE
http://www.wetrock.com/ * Springfield, Oregon 97477
(541) 746-4444 *