Alberto, Alan and all - Does anybody know of a small, pink-flowered species of Hippeastrum found near Tambopata, Peru? This is the NE part of the country. The plant seems very simialr to H. anzoldoii/evansiae, found relatively nearby in Bolivia, but has pink instead of white flowers. The scapes are about 12" to 18" tall (1-3 per bulb) and flowers about 3-1/2 inhes long, 3" across. There is redish pigments at leaf and scape base. The flowers have a small whitish/green center. There are 3-4 flowers/scape so far. I had imported 3 bulbs for study and am very impressed with this gem. I have seen no other species like it, except evansiae in form and H. traubii for color. any ideas? at some point i'll post a pic of this on my web site. thanks, Kevin Preuss