Watsonia in Oregon.

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Sat, 20 Aug 2005 08:02:35 PDT
Jean in Portland mentioned growing Watsonia and Diane asked,
>Do you grow the Watsonia outside year-round?  When does it bloom for you?

I live in the foothills east of Portland, where it is about a zone colder 
than the city, and have two species of Watsonia. I don't know what the one 
in the garden is because it has never flowered yet, but it has survived for 
several years. The other is W. humilis, which is still in the bulb frame 
but will go into the garden because it's more of a summer-growing plant. 
It's a lovely thing, with pink flowers, and I think it won't make the big, 
aggressive, undiggable clumps that some Watsonia species form.

Jane McGary
Northwestern oregon

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