Monkey Puzzle
Kelly O'Neill (Mon, 22 Aug 2005 18:01:40 PDT)
There are some nice old ones scattered around the Willamette Valley of
Oregon that were planted in the early 20th century that are starting
to get their 'wild' appearance. They are currently 60-80' tall.
As for the deaths in Zone 7 (which I think of myself as being in, though
technically I'm Z8), I think they may be sensitive to summer moisture or
a combination of that and poor drainage?
I have one (15'+) that is producing cones. I had a bigger one die a few
years ago (after I built shelves for seed trays near it and started watering
it often). There are a couple of 30-40' ones nearby on land I think will
soon be cleared for houses if anyone wants 'em, email me privately. I
think there may be male and female ones (different cones) over there?
Kelly O'Neill Wet Rock Gardens Flower Farm
U-Pick and more at the farm (open 9 to 6, Sun, Wed and Fri -
from March thru Halloween):
2877 N 19th Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
To contact us: * Business Office for mail or by appointment only: * 1950 Yolanda AVE * Springfield, Oregon 97477
(541) 746-4444 *