Watsonias & fire.
John Bryan (Mon, 22 Aug 2005 14:56:13 PDT)

Dear Gary:
You might be correct regarding the 'smoke' question. I heard about it
when at Kirstenbosch one time, perhaps 7-9 years ago. It was explained
to me that several South Africans wished to find out the temperatures
during a fire, then found that certain areas were not burnt at all. This
lead to a series of tests and it was found it was the smoke that did the
trick. The speed at which the plants respond is quite amazing. A field
of Pillansia templemanii came into flower just a day or two after a fire
had swept through the area. I was fortunate to see this near Hermanus
just along the coast north of the Cape. Cheers, John E. Bryan

Gary wrote:

Dear John et al,

Many plants have evolved to require special conditions to bloom, set seed, and especially to sprout the seeds. Smoke exposure techniques were developed, I believe, in Australia a number of years ago due to the fact that many outback plant seeds were reluctant to sprout under normal circumstances. I found that Billardiera seeds if not fresh will grow with this method. It is a standard practice to treat seeds of Proteas this way.

A good site that explains fire and smoke requirements for some north American plants is at http://nativeplants.for.uidaho.edu/Content/…

Gary in Hilo, HI

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