Dear all, When you respond to a BX please remember to respond to Dell privately. If you just hit reply with your order it not only comes to the list, but it often means Dell replies to that message that he has received your order and that message comes to the list which sometimes generates confused messages from others in the list who didn't order from the BX. This is what happened when Alberto sent his order to the list, Dell replied to him through the list, Cynthia replied to Dell's message on the list, which triggered another response from Dell. I know that since BXs can disappear fast there is a desire to respond quickly and hitting reply is quicker than replacing Dell's address and this will continue to happen from time to time. When a message comes to the list, "I have received your order" you can assume that this is a mistake. If you haven't ordered, look to see if the message came to you or to "'Pacific Bulb Society'" <>. If it came to the latter, just delete it. Thanks. Mary Sue